A Blueprint for Engine Care

Can you imagine trying to drive your vehicle without its engine? Without proper care, an engine will ultimately fail, rendering it utterly useless. That’s why it’s important to stay up to date on with your engine maintenance. 

Steps You Can Take to Maintain Your Engine 

One of the easiest things you can do to show your engine some much-needed TLC is make an appointment for Mazda service whenever your engine is due for routine maintenance or in need of a repair. It’s never a good idea to skip a routine maintenance appointment because doing so deprives your engine of the attention it needs. Skipping a maintenance appointment also decreases the likelihood that small issues will be caught and remedied before they morph into bigger problems. 

When you contact our Aberdeen, MD Mazda dealership to request some engine care tips, we’ll advise you that it’s a good idea to keep your gas tank at least half full. As you accrue miles on the odometer, sediment makes its way into your fuel tank and settles at the bottom. By keeping your tank on the fuller side, you’ll prevent your car from drawing on that sediment-laden fuel and stop the debris from reaching your engine and damaging the unit. 

In addition to having your engine serviced regularly and keeping your gas tank full, you should also be mindful of your engine’s air filter. That filter prevents things like bugs, leaves, and dirt from making their way to your engine. If your air filter is too old, it will no longer be able to protect your engine from debris and it will constrict the unit’s airflow, neither of which is good for your engine. 

Does your vehicle need a new engine air filter? If so, you can pick one up in our Mazda parts center and have it installed in our Mazda service center. 

Why Service with Us 

We know you have a lot of Maryland Mazda dealerships to choose from, but there are plenty of reasons to choose Cook Mazda for all your service needs. Here are some of them: 

  • Our technicians are certified, factory-trained, and experienced 
  • We offer free quotes and operate with transparency 
  • Our guest lounge has desirable amenities like complimentary Wi-Fi 
  • You’ll find Mazda service specials on our website that you can redeem in our Mazda service center 

For more information about engine care and why you should service with us, contact or visit Cook Mazda!