Mar 15, 2022
Mazda parts

Have you recently ordered new Mazda parts and not sure what to do with the old ones? Did you know you can recycle your auto parts? We’re taking a look at the process at Cook Mazda.

How Does it Work?

A lot of auto parts can be recycled in the same way anything else is recycled. They are taken to a recycling facility where the parts are sorted depending on their material. Then, they are cleaned and processed. If the parts are small enough, you can just put them in your curbside recycling bin. If they are too large, however, you should take them to a local salvage yard. You can even recycle your engine oil by taking it to a collection center. 

What Can I Recycle?

Most of your vehicle’s body and frame is made of metal, making them recyclable. In fact, over 65-percent of the average vehicle is composed of metal. You can also recycle many parts under your hood, including your engine and your battery. You can also recycle anything in your vehicle made of plastic or glass, including your windows and windshield. Your vehicle’s tires can be recycled or you can opt to repurpose them. They are commonly used as mulch or on playgrounds.

Which Parts Can’t Be Recycled?

While there are many parts of your vehicle that can be recycled, there are parts that can’t be. Even though engine oil can be recycled, a lot of the other fluids in your vehicle can’t be recycled.

  • Windshield wiper fluid
  • Brake fluid
  • Power steering fluid
  • Coolant
  • Transmission fluid

Need to order auto part replacements? Need help determining where to take your old parts? Reach out to our Mazda service center in Aberdeen, MD. Our trained technicians have got you covered!